For busy professionals wanting a life upgrade in 2024.

8 weeks to a
happier, healthier AND 


Are you looking to finally find more work/life balance, reduce work related stress and feel your best yet?

And you don’t want to have to track your steps, drastically change your lifestyle or join the latest diet trend?

Welcome to our BALANCE.D program. You’ve come to the right place if you are looking for a workplace wellness course online.

STARTS MAR 26 2024

We don’t tell you what you “should” be doing.

Instead we show you how to find the intrinsic motivation that makes you want to turn off your devices before bedtime, choose to eat healthier 3/5 times a week, take those work breaks instead of eating lunch at your desk, prioritize you and find those things that make you wake up in the morning excited to work, spend time with your loved ones and explore your own joy.

No one likes being told what to do. neither do we.


How your brain functions and the impact of your lifestyle choices on your body (and brain). Ever heard of biohacking? We’ll be teaching you the why behind this new way of living.


How and why you make the choices you do and how to be successful at motivating change in your life. Hint: the way you are setting goals is actually wrong. We’ll show you why and what to do instead. 


How to change your behavior in easy micro-steps so you can reach your goals to feel less stressed, get more time to spend with family and feel like you are thriving.




You see, we understand that you are busy, that’s why we structured this program with 8 easy to watch 30min video modules, printable worksheets AND a weekly live check-in coaching call to help you create the new 2024 you.

week one


You’ll be learning about the neuroscience of habits, what they are and how we create habits by default in our lives. We teach you why the ‘normal’ way of setting goals is destined to fail and the RIGHT way to set goals. We dive into how to create new habits with the habit stacking formula and share with you the secret ingredient to successfully sticking to new habits.

week two


This week we talk about the science of sleep and why we need great quality and quantity of sleep in order to thrive. We share the top sleep inhibitors disrupting your sleep, how to hack your sleep environment and get into a nightly sleep routine, and finally we cover how to stop bad habits from a psychological viewpoint using the example of bad sleep habits.

week three


In this module we cover the impact of exercise and food on our mood, health and productivity. We share how to find your motivation to exercise even if you don’t feel like it or have never consistently exercised before. We examine the scientific evidence of what prolonged sitting does to our bodies for those of us with office jobs of long hours.

week four


Here we cover a deeper understand of mental and emotional wellbeing. You’ll learn how to regulate your emotions and why we have emotions in the first place. You’ll understand the impact of stress on your physical and mental body and how to complete the stress cycle to stop letting stress impact you negatively.

week five


You’ll be learning about the difference between deep work vs shallow work and how to find more ‘flow’ in your work. Easy and simple focus and productivity hacks as well what multitasking actually does to your brain. We also look at how to change your relationship to your calendar and email and how to create team wellbeing goals for yourself and who you work with.

week six


This week we look at what self-care is and what it isn’t, how we have fallen into the trap of being constantly ‘busy’ and the neuroscience of how downtime affects you positively. We teach you how to set yourself up for success every day with morning practices and how to sustain self-care throughout your day even if you can’t take a lunch break and your calendar is back-to-back packed.

week seven


In this module we teach the importance of social connections based upon the psychology of human needs and what the key is to creating nourishing relationships. You’ll learn about the art of listening and what conscious communication sounds like. Finally we look at how to create social wellbeing opportunities in your workplace.

week eight


The final module is all about how to increase your joy, happiness and inspiration in life. We look at why it seems so hard to be happy and the inherent bias we have in our brains that hinder our happiness. We explore why we need more play in our lives and share some neuroscience based top hacks for increasing your life joy.


8 weeks to discover how you thrive best at work and at home

workplace wellness course online

included in the program

Not only do you get 8x 30 minute modules of eye-opening content, we also have included 8 hours of live facilitation, coaching and Q and A time as part of this BALANCE.D program.


    • Our wellbeing self-assessment plus customized PDF report showing you how you score on the Wellbeing, Daily Index

    • In-depth training workbooks with exercises to integrate each week’s wellbeing topic

    Live group discussions for peer-to-peer support

    • Weekly live Q and A with the program facilitators to answer your questions

    Our next open enrollment program start date is 26 March 2024.

    Take a sneak peek at the content

    We know people learn differently. You may be a visual (learn best by reading and seeing visuals), auditory (learn best by listening) or kinesthetic learner (learn best by doing yourself).

    That’s why we including all three learning styles in each module. You’ll have visual, easy to understand slides as we talk you through the concepts and we use the breakout rooms feature of Zoom to get everyone to interact and discuss how you can integrate what you learn into your life.

    your expert facilitators

    helping you thrive in your professional and personal life

    Ian Collins and Nora Wendel are the co-founders of Wellbeing, Daily and have a combined 25 years of experience in leadership consulting, psychological safety, mental wellness and, of course, wellbeing.

    Find out more about their personal stories here.



    There are two parts to this program.

    Part one is the self-paced online video modules which are accessed via our course platform.

    Part two are the live coaching/Q&A calls which are split into two timezones (Asia-Pacific and USA/Europe). These calls are optional to attend, however, we highy recommend joining to get the most out of this program.


    next program start date:

    26th March 2024 (first module drops)

    live call times:

    10:00AM (GMT)

    7:00PM (GMT)

    2 + 9 + 16 + 23 + 30 Apr, 7 + 14 + 21 May

    program length:

    8 consecutive weeks

    Same call times every week

    Special Launch Price

    $399 USD

    Get $200USD off!


    Wellbeing online self-assessment

    45 page wellbeing report

    8x 35 minute self-paced video modules

    8 live facilitated calls

    8 PDF workbooks

    Community and peer support throughout

    Chat group for accountability and inspiration

    $599 USD

    Regular pricing


    Wellbeing online self-assessment

    45 page wellbeing report

    8x 35 minute self-paced video modules

    8 live facilitated calls

    8 PDF workbooks

    Community and peer support throughout

    Chat group for accountability and inspiration

    What we teach

    Hear it from our past participants

    They too were searching for a workplace wellness course online, trying to find a program where they didn’t have to drag themselves to the gym by waking up at 5am every morning, having to give up their glass of wine in the evening or cut out all carbs for months.

    We are different. Read why below.

    “Thank you Ian and Nora, it was a wonderful program delivered expertly by you. The offer to be a part of it came just at the time when I was looking to make some improvements in my overall wellbeing. Such a fun interactive program with great tools to help me in my journey, as well as support from you both. Thank you again, I saw just how passionate you both are in helping others to improve themselves and their wellbeing.”


    Supply Chain Coordinator

    “I loved this program. Thank you for the opportunity. I got lots of ideas on small things that were easy to incorporate in my daily life.”


    Human Resources

    “I learnt the most from the life-joy wellbeing module! It was fascinating to learn how our brain works with positive and negative thinking and how to improve my own positive thinking. Can’t wait to put into practice the neuroscience-backed tool you shared with us!”


    Head of Sales

    “I’ve started to implement a night-time shower for myself and only myself – my ten minutes of respite for only me during my busy day. My whole family is in on this and with two young kids this is huge! This simple act of self-care allows me to decompress and I sleep better and I am a better person to be around because of it. The habit stacking formula helped me implement this and also learning about the importance of nighttime routines to allow your mind to to wind down from busy workdays.”


    Team Lead

    “The module on life-joy wellbeing was a real eye-opener for me. It highlighted how I had let work interfere with doing things that really bring me joy. I now prioritize making sure I don’t let work consume my life.”



    “The biggest lesson from the program for me was the focus on making small changes at a time which will help you get to your goals. It can be very overwhelming to think you need to make a drastic change all at once and reverse your not helpful habits. This really allowed me to make a number of small changes across the topics and has helped me stick to them, cause they’re small and easy to stick to. I now have a personal plan mapped out to add another small step every 3 months to keep improving on my goals.”


    Logistics Manager

    “For me I thought the core pillars covered what I needed and was more than enough of examples per each category. The workbooks were also a nice touch and follow up after the sessions.”


    Customer Service Support

    “I’ve started a whole new morning routine where I take an hour for myself before everyone else in my household gets up. It has allowed me find more peace before the chaos and has also impacted my productivity and energy levels throughout my workday.”


    Operations Manager

    “I had fallen into a covid slump in regards to my exercise routine and this program helped me find my motivation to start moving my body again. More importantly I learnt how to make exercising an easy habit that I actually WANT to do now.”


    Financial Advisor

    “I really enjoyed the work/productivity module as I was struggling with back-to-back meetings, inbox overwhelm and  feeling like I could never unplug from work – often working in my bed at night before sleep. Now with my team we have team wellbeing practices such as ending meetings early, going for walking meetings to move our bodies and everyone not working over their lunch. Personally, I now am able to put my work to one side after dinner and get to enjoy spending time with my family before bed.”


    Project Manager

    Your questions


    + What if I can't join all the live calls?

    We do recommend joining our live calls as much as possible as this is where we workshop and integrate the learnings as a group. The coaching/Q&A calls won’t be recorded.

    + Is there a refund policy?

    There is no refund policy. Should you join this program and are no longer able to attend, you can join the next open enrolment. Please email us and we will alert you when the next program starts.

    As there is no refund policy, please make sure you are interested in this program and the topics covered.

    + Is my data safe?

    Yes all your data is safe, private and confidential. Your data will not be shared or sold to any third parties.

    As part of this program there is an online wellbeing self-assessment which asks you to evaluate yourself in the 7 core pillars of wellbeing. This is for your own information and to see where you might be needing support in your wellbeing.

    + Can I get my company to pay for this?

    Yes, should you wish your company to pay for this program  please email us so we can authorize payment and understand who out of the company will be joining this program.

    Another option is to pay out of pocket and be reimbursed for the progam. Should you wish to do this, please email us and we can provide an invoice.

    + Is this program for teams OR individuals?

    This open enrollment program is for individuals signing up for themselves. We also run the same program for teams within organizations, please contact us should you wish to offer this program for your team.

    + If I am traveling and change timezones can I join the other group live call?

    We understand you may need to travel for work/leisure. If your travel dates fall during the duration of our program, you can contact your program facilitators to arrange to join the other timezone group call.

    Have another question? Ask us!

    Contact us using the form below if you have any other questions regarding this program.

    8 + 8 =


    healthy and

    inspired people

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