Wellbeing assessment tool for organisations
Do you know how WELL your employees are doing?And by well, we mean their happiness, stress levels, team cohesion, sleep quality, social relations…we ask because we know it matters.

Introducing the world’s premier wellbeing assessment tool for individuals, teams and whole organizations.
Your employees wellbeing has a direct impact to the bottom line of your company. With employee wellbeing being a priority post-pandemic, assess your companies wellbeing with our unique and easy to complete online self-assessment for your employees.
With our report feature, know where to focus your wellness initiatives for the year by getting an overall Wellbeing report by teams, sectors or the whole organisation.
how it works

We measure 7 core pillars of wellbeing
Humans aren’t one dimensional, and neither is our wellbeing. This is why we measure 7 core pillars of wellbeing independently and how they impact our overall wellbeing with our wellbeing assessment tool.

These 7 core pillars form your overall wellbeing. We measure each of these pillars seperately and generate your percentage score based on our Wellbeing, Daily Index.
The Wellbeing, Daily Index

What we measure
Our questionnaire is designed to provide self-evaluation and personal reflection in each of the 7 core pillars.
83% of respondants said that theyfrom simply filling out the self-assessment.

Your productivity, ability to achieve goals and how much purpose and fulfilment you feel in your career and workplace.

Your psychological and emotional health, which also includes your moods, emotions and feelings towards yourself, others and your life.

Your physical health (body), diet, nutrition and exercise. All these interrelate to encompass your physical wellbeing.

The quality and quantity of sleep you get per night. Sleep has the biggest impact on all other areas of your life.

How you take care of yourself. This includes mental self-care, body self-care and overall self-care. Without self-care your body and mind has no chance to restore, causing dis-ease.

The quality and depth of your relationships, including intimate relationships, wider community relationships and general society relationships.

How much joy, fulfilment and meaning you feel in your life. When you feel great about yourself and your life, it impacts and increases all other areas of your wellbeing.
your results

Get real-time feedback upon completing the self-assessment as you are shown your scores directly on screen, with an email sent to you with your results as well.

At a quick glance you will be able to see what areas of your life need focussed attention in order to enhance your wellbeing.

Download your wellbeing report instantly.
The wellbeing report is a 45 page personalized PDF that goes into depth about your wellbeing results from the self-assessment.
The report contains:
- An overview about what holistic wellbeing is
- Details about your results in the 7 core pillars of wellbeing
- Top personalized recommendations to increase your wellbeing according to how you scored in each core pillar
- Questions to ask yourself for even deeper reflection
- A place to set SMART wellbeing goals
- Next action steps you can take to support your wellbeing
*The wellbeing report is included in our company package, however is an optional add-on if you choose to simply take the self-assessment as an individual.
team wellbeing
Get insights on
how ‘well’ your team is.
Get an overview of how your team is scoring in the individual wellbeing pillars.
This will help you focus your wellbeing initiatives in the right direction, supporting your people where they need it the most.

Team reports is an add-on feature
Tell us your the size of your team and we will give you a custom quote that includes the Wellbeing Online Assessment + Personalized reports + Team reports.
Our wellbeing assessment tool is because...

We provide real-time feedback on the wellbeing of individuals and your team/company.
Our self-assessment is applicable across cultures.
It is accessible online from anywhere.
It only takes 15min to complete the entire assessment.
We provide a detailed personalized report post assessment.

Try our wellbeing assessment for
How do you rate your own wellbeing?
Take the self-assessment for yourself and get your own overall wellbeing index percentage score. You may be suprised at your own results!
Wellbeing matters.
Wellbeing impacts all areas of life, including how you perform at work.
We have a tiered pricing structure for different sized organizations.
Contact us to get a quote for your organization and let us help you achieve your wellbeing goals.

Share your organization size and how many employees you are interested in providing our wellbeing self-assessment. We will get back to your with our tiered pricing structure.